Mister Proctor, in open court she near to choked us all to death. Proctor: But surely you known what a jabberer she is. That she sometimes made a compact with Lucifer, and wrote her name in his black book-with her blood-and bound herself to torment Christians till God’s thrown down…and we all must worship Hell forevermore. Proctor: The Deputy Governor will permit it? Is it true there be fourteen women arrestes now?Įlizabeth: Why, she’s weepin’! What ails you, child? I’ll get up early in the morning and clean the house. We must all love each other now, Goody Proctor. I had to sit long hours in a chair, and passed the time with sewing.Įlizabeth: Why, thank you, it is a fair poppet. I made a gift for you today, Goody Proctor. Proctor: And what of these proceedings her?-when will you proceed to keep this house as you are paid nine pound a year to do?-and my wife not wholly well? My insides are all shuddery I am i the proceedings all day, sir. (To Mary) How do you go to Salem when I forbid it! Do you mock me? I’ll whip you if you dare to leave this house again! Proctor: Oh, Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer. I only come to see the great doings in the world.

Proctor: Be you foolish, Mary Warren? Be you deaf? I forbid you to leave the house, did I not? Why shall I pay you?-I am looking for you more often than my cows! What’s got her? Abby, she’s going to die It’s a sin to conjure, and we… I never done none of it, Abby, I only looked!Ībigail: …I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down! (Betty cries) Now you…it up and stop this! Witchery’s a hangin’ error, a hangin’ like they done in Boston two year ago! We must tell the truth, Abby!-you’ll only be whipped for dancin’, and the other things! She means to tell, I know it.Ībby, we’ve got to tell. Mercy: (Mimicking her) They’ll be callin’ us witches, Abby. I just come from the farm, the whole country’s talkin’ witchcraft! They’ll be callin’ us witches, Abby!